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Let's discuss how I can bring value to your business!

Analytics Engineering

With a background in full stack web development and data science, I'm capable of producing results that can help to solve your business problems through analytics, visualization, and or machine learning. The core tools of my work include Python, SQL, Spark, Jupyter, and Javascript. I'm a dedicated partner. I will work with you and your team to identify root causes and provide high quality solutions!


These are applications I built throughout my journey of becoming a developer and now analytics engineer, along with projects I'm currently working on!

Physical Web Museum

Beacon URL web app!

NASA Fireball API

API web app!

Star Wars Game

JS and JQuery logic

Friend Finder

HTML and JS Survey to find a friend!

Motivational VR Web App

A-Frame, React and MongoDB

Mongo New York Times Scraper

Cheerio, MongoDB, Node, and Handlebars

React Clicky Game


Startup Footer

Rails, Foundation and Slim!

TODO: Achieve Greatness!


Fintech Dashboard and Google Login Flow!

Mongo, Express, Vue, Node, Chart.js, ElementUI

Teams and Business Partners Events App!

React, Redux Thunk, Firestore, Firebase, Chart.js, ElementUI

NASA Mars InSight API

Python, Flask, & Twilio!

Data Structures and Algorithms

Udacity DSA Nanodegree and personal practice!

Data Analysis Projects!

Udacity DA Nanodegree! Python, Pandas, Jupyter Notebooks, seaborn and matplotlib!

Machine Learning with Tensorflow

Udacity ML Nanodegree! Regression, SVM, Tensorflow, KMeans and much more!

Technical Blog

I'll be writing about my work and the times in which an enormous amount of troubleshooting and debugging pays off! I want to share my findings here with you! It's these little triumphs everyday that make me smile and keep moving forward!

How to Use PySpark createOrReplaceTempView()'s!

We will review how you can query large datasets using this helpful function!

Visualizations to Determine Correlation!

Building a Histogram in Trino!

We'll take a look at Trino's (formerly Presto) histogram function to support data analysis in SQL.

The Great Bayesian Average!

We'll walk through how we can utilize this averaging technique to synthesize multiple metrics to one aggregate score!


A brief bio below and links to important resources here:
  • LinkedIn
  • Github
  • Contact Us

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